When will it rain again in Seattle?

SEATTLE – We had 47 consecutive days with no measurable rain on Saturday at Sea-Tac Airport, one of the longest dry stretches the area has ever seen.

Some areas received a trail on Saturday, but that’s not a measurable amount.

The National Weather Service lists July 2021 as the 5th driest since 1945.

With 47 days we are number 4 in the top 5 of the longest dry routes.

The top route goes into the summer of 2017 with 55 consecutive days without measurable rain.

In July 2021 there was only a trace of rain at Sea-Tac Airport! Here is a list showing the handful of years that only a trace of rain fell in July. Our list of July rainfall at the airport goes back to 1948. pic.twitter.com/wdKsyh87qN

– NWS Seattle (@NWSSeattle) August 1, 2021