“Vangroovy”: Locals share ideas for Vancouver’s nicknames

From The Wet Coast to Vancity to Van, check out some of the ideas Vancouverites came up with for their city’s nickname

Do you have a nickname for your city?

Whether you love or hate life in Vancouver – or even if the feeling is downright lukewarm – you likely have your own special relationship with the city.

If you’re a pluviophile, dance for joy in Vancouver’s lavish showers. Then a nickname like “Raincover” might remind you that the city’s wet weather creates childish splashing and lush forests as far as the eye can see.

But not everyone dances in the rain.

For Vancouverians reluctant to face the dreary weather when autumn falls, the nickname “Raincouver” has a negative connotation.

“The Couve” is not a suitable title for Vancouver

In a recent Vancouver Is Awesome Daily Newsletter, we asked subscribers what they thought Vancouver’s nickname should be. We also mentioned that one of our first surveys showed that “The Couve” is not a suitable title for our port city.

Reader Renata Zaleski tells us that she thinks the nickname should be “Vangroovy” – and she is not alone. John Rempel liked the groovy name too, adding that he “always loved ‘Vangroovy’ at certain times”.

Winston and Erin Soriano say they think “The Wet Coast” is a good fit for Vancouver, but they didn’t say whether or not they care about the abundant rainfall.

Subscriber Christelle Hugron says she was “surprised” that people were calling Vancouver “The Couve”. She adds, “We have family and friends in Vancouver, [Washington] and they have been using The Couve for a while. It would be inappropriate to use the same name. We can do better! “

“The City of Worlds”

Christopher James Katan tells VIA that he lived in Saskatchewan and Alberta, but that BC is his favorite province. “I take refreshing rain to keep everything green [and] Cleanse of mud over seven months [and] Salt everything frozen [and] dead, dirty [and] finally when the stones out of the mud [and] After the pains are cleared, you really have two and a half months of summer. “

Katan adds that Vancouver also has “Endless Activities” and that it could be called the “City of Worlds” because of its beauty, sea and mountains [and] can do what you want with endless possibilities. ”

Sheila Humphrey says “Van” is the best nickname because she “has no idea what else Vancouver would be abbreviated to” and it has been called that for as long as she can remember. She adds, “I remember 70 years.”

And Humphrey is not alone. Susan Russell says she is “a Vancouverite who was born here 60 years ago, and I want Vancouver to have its shortened name: Van”.

Judith Bratvold says “Vancity” makes her think “of that bank” and she is dubious about “Rainvan” or “Wetvan”. While working at the Vancouver Aquarium, they said several tourists called it “BeautifulCity”.

Marty Walters says he always calls it “Vancity” what he says “works”. [with] Vancity is great. ”

“I love everything about it [and] that’s my favorite name for my favorite place in Canada, “he explained.