The 25 Best Big Companies for Career Growth According to the Employees

Method and data source

If you are looking for a job to develop and develop your career in, Comparably’s current list may be of help to you. Produces different lists each year, from companies with the best executive teams to places with the best pay.

Comparably’s latest ranking focuses on where employees say they can grow professionally. To find the best large companies with career opportunities (companies with over 500 employees), the careers page used anonymous employee reviews. The data was collected over a period of 12 months from the end of June 2020.

Employees were asked questions such as “How often do you get valuable feedback on how to improve at work?” to get a feel for what career development is like in a company.

The full list, including the list of small and medium-sized businesses, is available on Comparably. Employee quotes and industry categories come from Comparably and are made available to insiders.