Spokane neighborhood shocked over closure of Orchard Avenue Park | news

SPOKANE, Wash. – Orchard Avenue Park, near the Chief Garry Park neighborhood in northeast Spokane, may be closing down for good after the county decided to not renew it’s contract with Felts Field, the owners of the property.

Neighbors say they only found out because crews began disassembling it.

Bruce Maxwell has walked the border of Orchard Avenue Park almost every day for the last 25 years.

“Sometimes I go to the right and sometimes I go to the left,” Maxwell said.

For Adam Bray, this park is like home.

“My mom said something about (how) she thought my grandma actually helped get it started back in the 60’s-my great grandmother-because she lived just down the street,” he said.

Living here for his entire life, over 50 years, he said the park has always been the heartbeat of the neighborhood.

“It’s just always been a great place for people to come and hang out and bring the kids and now the grandkids,” he said. “There’s almost always someone over here using it.”

But recently, neighbors say without notice, they woke up to see their beloved park be taken apart piece by piece.

First the bleachers, then the benches.

“I’ve heard rumors off and on but this is the first time I’ve seen any real action on it,” Maxwell said.

Neighbors said they were in the dark, with only rumors powering the discussion.

“So, there was no warning no signs no knocks on the door no nothing to know that things were changing,” Sherry McGeorge said.

According to Spokane County’s Communications Manager, Jared Webley, the county is not renewing their lease of this land.

The reason? The playground equipment is over 25 years old and the irrigation system is also reaching the end of its life.

Lastly, Felts Fields master plan, Webley said, included eventual runway improvements and expansion, meaning the park could be overtaken by the runway in the next couple years anyway.

So starting October 1st. County parks began throwing away what’s left of Orchard Avenue Park, leaving nothing but green space in its place.

“I remember back in the 80’s they had to try and do a fundraiser to help save the park because they were going to try and close it at one point back then,” Bray said. “It’s just a shame people weren’t notified and given them a chance to give their input or see if there is something they can do to keep it.”

“It’s a nice park. It’s old yes but it’s well used and well-loved and like I said it’s going to be missed,” McGeorge said.

The public affairs official for the area airports, including Felts Field, told KHQ they are planning to fence off the area, with pedestrian access point, keeping the land as open space. However, that plan needs to be approved first by the FAA.