Rep. Vicki Kraft responds to Governor Jay Inslee’s comments on representative government and electoral integrity –

The governor’s comments during the state of the art address on Tuesday 2022

Earlier this week, Governor Jay Inslee addressed the Washington State Legislature from afar from Olympia. Among the many topics Inslee addressed in his State of the Art Address 2022, the governor reached out to the representative government and those who question the integrity of the elections.

Governor Jay Inslee

Inslee’s comments aroused the anger of many elected officials and others, including Rep. Vicki Kraft (Republican, 17th Ward). Vancouver lawmakers issued a statement Wednesday, the day after the governor made statements.

Representative Vicki Kraft, R-17Representative Vicki Kraft, R-17

“In the governor’s state-of-the-state speech on Tuesday, he decided to attack lawmakers like me who are standing up and working to bring integrity to our electoral process in Washington state,” said Kraft. “Governor Inslee actually said, ‘The right to representative government is under attack in our country today. And unfortunately I have to say, in our own state. ‘ I couldn’t agree more. Governor Inslee has effectively attacked us as state legislators who represent the people. He has also been ruled as a one-man dictator by emergency powers in our state for the past two years. This is in contrast to a representative form of government and is completely un-American.

“It is my constitutional duty to ensure that every vote cast in our state is actually legally, legitimately and properly counted,” added Kraft. “It is illegitimate to silence the legislature of the opposition party and to threaten our constitutionally protected right to freedom of expression with criminal prosecution. At this 2022 session, I am introducing laws aimed at ensuring the integrity of the elections in Washington state. My support for this legislation on behalf of the people I represent is not suppressed, nor am I intimidated by the governor, nor am I silenced by his threats to make freedom of speech and our rights under the First Amendment illegal.

“I will always fight to protect your constitutional rights and freedoms and to protect you from government abuse,” concluded Kraft. “Please stay informed and involved.”

Inslee’s comments began by pointing out the January 6, 2021 protests in Washington, DC.

“We have just celebrated the year-long anniversary of the uprising in our nation’s Capitol,” said Inslee. “This uprising continues to this day under the banner of the ‘Big Lie’. The right to a representative government is being attacked in this country and in our state.

“I am for democracy. All elected officials and others interested in our state and nation should also be in favor of democracy. Former Secretary of State Kim Wyman deserves our respect for the exemplary and impartial manner in which she has carried out her duties in the face of these threats, and that is why I am so pleased to welcome former Senator Steve Hobbs as our new Secretary of State. Like Kim Wyman, he will help keep our state and local elections safe and secure.

“It is time to face those who want to question the integrity of our elections, undermine fundamental democratic principles and abolish the rule of law. I call on all lawmakers, Democrats and Republicans to strongly recognize that the 2020 elections were won fairly and fairly under our Constitution – and to denounce those officials who spread deceptions that hit the very foundations of democracy.

“I think we should ban efforts by politicians to knowingly tell lies about elections when those lies lead to violence – violence that we have already seen in state capitals and our nation’s capital.”