Quake Info: Minor likes. 0.6 earthquake

Support us – Help us to improve our services!

We really enjoy working to bring you the latest volcano and earthquake data from around the world. However, maintaining our website and our free apps requires a significant investment of time and resources.

We need funding to increase hardware and software capacities and to support our editorial team. Our goal is to provide uninterrupted service wherever there is an earthquake or volcanic eruption, and your donations can make it happen! Every donation is very much appreciated. If you find the information useful and would like to help our team integrate more functions, write great content and upgrade our software and hardware, please donate (PayPal or online credit card payment).

Planned functions:

  • Improved multilingual support
  • Tsunami warnings
  • Faster responsiveness

Thanks to your past donations, these features have recently been added:

  • Earthquake archive from 1900
  • Detailed quake statistics
  • Additional seismic data sources

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