Myrtle Edwards Beach – South Seattle Emerald

Myrtle Edwards Beach (Photo by Max Herman/; photo editing by Emerald team)

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by suhen

you left me with no choice when you opened your
moderate misogynistic mouth that one night on my couch
summer stained park benches we painted a hue of fondness
our affection brushed feverishly

– I would’ve run away from my 9–5
– our centerpiece at art basel
– offer you pearls in tokyo
– an autodidacticism
You & I
we’d find where poetry meets prose

remains a haunting reflection of a sparkling conversationalist
still, i’ll keep those universes stored where
other myrtle edwards beach memories went to sleep

sush is a south-end Seattle native and a second-generation daughter of Vietnam war refugees. Exploring the intersections of poetry, movement, and music, sushen approaches art with intention and healing.

📸 Featured Image: Myrtle Edwards Beach (Photo by Max Herman/; photo editing by Emerald team)

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