Jobs Available in Granite Falls Immediately – Everett Post

Do you need or want a job? The Granite Falls School District could be your answer. Next Saturday, October 9th, they’re hosting a job fair between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm at their district headquarters at 205 North Alder Avenue in Granite Falls.

You’re looking for people in every position imaginable, including auxiliaries, bus drivers, coaches, student attendants, food services, janitors, campus supervisors, substitute teachers, secretaries and more.

Applicants can speak to Transportation, Operations, Food & Nutrition, Building Management, Athletics, Student Services, and many other departments. The district offers a comprehensive and competitive wage, social and pension package. The starting salary is between 17 and 30 US dollars per hour, depending on the position.

And you don’t have to wait. Qualified applicants can expect to be hired locally. Computers are available to fill out the application. Just drop by with your resume, references, and letters of recommendation in hand.

Check out the openings in the Granite Falls School District