Bonnie Mann talks about being accepted into the International Women’s Boxing HOF

ELMIRA, NY (WETM) – Corning-born Bonnie Mann was inducted into the International Women’s Boxing Hall of Famer last Saturday.

Mann was inducted into the International Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame in Las Vegas. The pioneer of women’s boxing says she will become the Hall of Famer in a moment she will never forget. “Simply overwhelmed by emotions and the realization that we are the pioneers of modern boxing. It really is one of the highest honors I’ve ever had in my life, “said Mann.

Prior to the event, Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman announced a proclamation day in honor of the event, declaring it to be Las Vegas Women’s Boxing Day.

The Corning native was previously inducted into the Boxing Hall of Fame of the United States Marine Corps. The three-time world champion of women currently teaches boxing classes at Jim’s Gym in Elmira.

The International Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame is located in Vancouver, Washington.